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Port Category Current New Last Updated Last Checked M
arcarchivers5.21q2025-02-16 02:01 GMT2025-02-16 02:01 GMT
lrziparchivers0.6512025-02-16 02:01 GMT2025-02-16 02:01 GMT
lzlibarchivers1.152025-02-16 02:01 GMT2025-02-16 02:01 GMT
pigzarchivers2.82025-02-16 02:01 GMT2025-02-16 02:01 GMT
plziparchivers1.122025-02-16 02:01 GMT2025-02-16 02:01 GMT
lmdbdatabases0.9.33umich_ldap_3_32025-02-16 02:05 GMT2025-02-16 02:05 GMT
hgsvndevel0.6.02025-02-16 02:06 GMT2025-02-16 02:06 GMT
jsldevel0.3.02025-02-16 02:12 GMT2025-02-16 02:12 GMT
log4cplusdevel2.1.22025-02-16 02:10 GMT2025-02-16 02:10 GMT
py-hglibdevel2.6.22025-02-16 02:08 GMT2025-02-16 02:08 GMT
py-ujsondevel5.10.02025-02-16 02:09 GMT2025-02-16 02:09 GMT
beancountfinance3.1.0issue992025-02-16 02:13 GMT2025-02-16 02:13 GMT
beangulpfinance0.2.02025-02-16 02:14 GMT2025-02-16 02:14 GMT
beanqueryfinance0.1.02025-02-16 02:14 GMT2025-02-16 02:14 GMT
favafinance1.302025-02-16 02:13 GMT2025-02-16 02:13 GMT
misseymail1.2.02025-02-16 02:19 GMT2025-02-16 02:19 GMT
cvsup-staticnet16.1h2025-02-16 02:26 GMT2025-02-16 02:26 GMT
ladvdnet1.1.42025-02-16 02:25 GMT2025-02-16 02:25 GMT
openldap25-clientnet2.5.192025-02-16 02:27 GMT2025-02-16 02:27 GMT
openldap25-servernet2.5.192025-02-16 02:27 GMT2025-02-16 02:27 GMT
openldap26-clientnet2.6.92025-02-16 02:25 GMT2025-02-16 02:25 GMT
openldap26-servernet2.6.92025-02-16 02:25 GMT2025-02-16 02:25 GMT
smartctl_exporternet-mgmt0.13.02025-02-16 02:27 GMT2025-02-16 02:27 GMT
ddptsysutils0.972025-02-16 02:30 GMT2025-02-16 02:30 GMT
sdparmsysutils1.122025-02-16 02:30 GMT2025-02-16 02:30 GMT
smp_utilssysutils0.992025-02-16 02:31 GMT2025-02-16 02:31 GMT
fixrtftextproc0.1.200603032025-02-16 02:33 GMT2025-02-16 02:33 GMT
dokuwikiwww20240206b2025-02-16 02:33 GMT2025-02-16 02:33 GMT
pomeriumwww0.8.4v0.28.02025-02-16 02:35 GMT2025-02-16 02:35 GMT
redmine51www5.1.62025-02-16 02:35 GMT2025-02-16 02:35 GMT
redmine60www6.0.32025-02-16 02:35 GMT2025-02-16 02:35 GMT
remark42www1.14.02025-02-16 02:35 GMT2025-02-16 02:35 GMT
plex-ttfx11-fonts6.4.02025-02-16 02:37 GMT2025-02-16 02:37 GMT