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Port Category Current New Last Updated Last Checked M
autoconfdevel2.722024-04-26 02:14 GMT2024-04-26 02:14 GMT
autoconf-switchdevel202205272024-04-26 02:10 GMT2024-04-26 02:10 GMT
autoconf2.13devel2.132024-04-26 02:14 GMT2024-04-26 02:14 GMTX
autoconf2.69devel2.692024-04-26 02:13 GMT2024-04-26 02:13 GMTX
automakedevel1.16.52024-04-26 02:10 GMT2024-04-26 02:10 GMT
autotoolsdevel202205282024-04-26 02:12 GMT2024-04-26 02:12 GMT
gettextdevel0.22.52024-04-26 02:15 GMT2024-04-26 02:15 GMT
gettext-runtimedevel0.22.52024-04-26 02:15 GMT2024-04-26 02:15 GMT
gettext-toolsdevel0.22.52024-04-26 02:15 GMT2024-04-26 02:15 GMT
gmakedevel4.4.12024-04-26 02:11 GMT2024-04-26 02:11 GMT
libltdldevel2.4.72024-04-26 02:15 GMT2024-04-26 02:15 GMT
libtextstyledevel0.22.52024-04-26 02:16 GMT2024-04-26 02:16 GMT
libtooldevel2.4.72024-04-26 02:13 GMT2024-04-26 02:13 GMT
libsrtp2net2.6.02024-04-26 02:28 GMT2024-04-26 02:28 GMT
cupsprint2.4.72024-04-26 02:29 GMT2024-04-26 02:29 GMT
cups-filtersprint1.28.172024-04-26 02:29 GMT2024-04-26 02:29 GMT
hplipprint3.23.122024-04-26 02:29 GMT2024-04-26 02:29 GMT
hplip-pluginprint3.23.122024-04-26 02:29 GMT2024-04-26 02:29 GMTX
beidsecurity5.1.152024-04-26 02:31 GMT2024-04-26 02:31 GMT
beidconnectsecurity2.102024-04-26 02:30 GMT2024-04-26 02:30 GMT
gnutlssecurity3.8.52024-04-26 02:30 GMT2024-04-26 02:30 GMT
mbedtlssecurity2.28.82024-04-26 02:30 GMT2024-04-26 02:30 GMT